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Because a second look at your taxes could make all the difference. 


We get it, sometimes mistakes are made when you file your tax return yourself or work with someone who might not have all the tax knowledge needed. 

No matter the situation, don't worry—we're here to help and we have good news! You are probably able to file an amended return to add deductions and other details that may have been missed during your first attempt—which is what our Take Two Review™ is all about.

After your original 1040 tax return has been filed, that information can only be changed by filing an amended return on Form 1040 X. This can be used to correct or supplement any information on Forms 1040, 1040 EZ, or even 1040 A. Using Form 1040 X, you can make any or even all the following changes depending on the situation:

  • You can report additional income.

  • You can claim deductions or credits that you missed.

  • You can correct credits you took that you were not actually eligible for.

  • You can change your filing status.

  • You can increase or decrease your number of dependents.

  • And many, many more changes are possible.

If all this sounds like it's a bit complicated, it is! That's why we're here to help.

With our Take Two Review™, we look at your return and go over every last detail in an effort to find missing deductions, credits, incorrect information, and more. We understand if you might feel afraid to file an amended return because you don't want the IRS to use it as the basis for conducting an audit at some point in the not-too-distant future.

While it's true this is always a possibility (approximately 2% of all taxpayers are audited every year), your failure to make these changes could cause you to miss out on the hundreds or even thousands of dollars which you are entitled to from the IRS.

We don't want to see this happen to you, which is why we're prepared to stand by your side every step of the way. Not only will we help you correct any and all information, but we'll also go out of our way to find every last dollar that is rightfully yours.

To find more information about our industry-leading Take Two Review™ program, call us at (347) 415-1486 today. Don't forget, the IRS usually requires an amended return to be filed no later than three years after the original filing date, so act fast before you miss out on this opportunity.


Fill out this form to get that second look you've been needing. 

Have Questions? Call us at (347) 415-1486

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